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About Us








Founded in 2012, A Matter of Choice–AMOC is a 501c3 nonprofit, public community based organization. Dedicated to social interaction, educational exchange, and the ever-changing diversity of our growing community.

A Matter of Choice-AMOC a one-of-a-kind organization within this region, and remains unique given its nonprofit status and community organization support it provides.

Established to create an environment, that is accommodating to sexual freedom advocacy education, non-discrimination while promoting a positive and transformative, experience for adults involved in alternative lifestyle choices and orientations.

A Matter of Choice-AMOC is a pansexual organization; open to persons of all genders, and sexual orientations.

You must be at least 18 in order to participate in any sponsored or hosted events.


A Matter of Choice-AMOC is dedicated to providing resources, for education, social and recreational activities, demonstrations, workshops, conferences, meetings and access to both written and electronic materials to further individuals and groups with alternative lifestyle orientations. Assisting those who come for these services with practical resources and compassionate understanding.


To further the understanding of safe sex practices, and to expand upon available educational resources, and advocacy, of alternative sexual lifestyle choices in the Southwestern, Missouri and Northwest Arkansas region. To assist in the development of effective training manual, methods, and materials for persons of all levels from instructors, to students and volunteers."


We have over 300 members. Membership is not required to attend our events, though all organization events are open to anyone over 18. If you wish to participate in a party event then you must be vetted if you’re not a member. Membership can be either free or you can purchase one of two paid membership levels and get all sorts of perks. Paid Memberships start after March 1st of 2013.  Show a valid government issued photo ID for proof of name and date of birth.



All participants who come to any event sponsored or otherwise are required to fill out a legal liability waiver good for one (1) full legal year.

Thank you,


For more information we can be found on line at

#A-Matter-of-Choice-AMOC for those who enjoy irc chat!

If you would like to support AMOC you may do so through this site, set up an account and use their search engine.

We now have a mobile app you can keep up with any changes on our website with at:

Phone is: 417-230-8238
Fax is: 417-538-0243



The members of A Matter Of Choice - AMOC, list, share personal experience and information.

The information contained in posts is not intended to take the place of medical advice, or to be used in place of a licensed professional provider. Documentation is not to be, construed as legally binding.

Any and all information which is disseminated within this group is to be used at your own personal risk we are not responsible for harm on any level or any loss or damage to property

Please understand that if you connect to any given link on our site, we cannot guarantee that your information you give on those sites is secure and we have no control over their policies or maintenance of personal information you may share with them.

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